The main topics are organized in three different sessions:
I: Economic development and Social policy
1) Regional economic cooperation,
2) Media in support to sustainable development
3) Liberal Market and Human capital
4) Social movement, Brain Drain,
5) Tourism in function of development,
6) Sports activity and health care
7) Social engineering and its impact
8) Demography and impact on labour trade, employment and unemployment
9) Migration impact on development and labour market
10) European integrations and mobility
11) Economical development of far east and its impact in region
12) Cultural Diversity and its impacts
II: Sustainable planning & Construction, and Ecology
1) Regional aspects of environmental protection, and safety in work place
2) Environmental pollution and protection
3) Waste management
4) Environment and human health
5) New enviroemntal planing and constructio
6) Sustaible planinng and contruction
7) New advancements in urban planning
8) Transportation and communication chalenges in the era of ICT technologies
9) Spatial planing chalenges
III: Technology, ICT, Education and science
1) Food-technology,safety and security,
2) Impact of Technology on education, chalenges
3) Education, research and innovation
4) Regional co-operation in project networking
5) Agriculture and textile industry opportunities
6) Applied Mathematics
7) Application of Chemical Technology
8) Energy and Renewable resources,
9) ICT Education for Sustainable Development
10) ICT skills and employability
11) Building up ICTcapacities and regional networking
12) Use of ICTcapabilities in Science and Education
13) Bioingering and medical advecements
14) Public health
15) New technologies and Industrial Management